Choose Unconventional Options for Singapore Interior Design

You have a development project, and you plan to be accompanied to carry out construction or renovation work? One of the first questions that arise at this point is that of the training of the professional who must accompany you.
Do you need an architect, an interior designer, a decorator? To be able to answer this question, let’s take a closer look at the nature of your project.
Know how to differentiate an architect from an interior designer and a decorator
The first thing to know is that these planning and design professionals have received very different training.
The training of the architect is more centered on the construction and the frame, but it allowed the professional to acquire serious knowledge in all the fields of architecture. From site constraints, to finishing work, including landscaping, the architect is the professional who has followed the most extensive training.
The title of architect is regulated:
- That the professional has a Bac +5 degree from a limited list of establishments, including the ENSA (National Schools of Architecture),
- That he also passed a complementary test, for diplomas after 2005, called HMONP,
- That it is registered with the regional order of architects on which it depends.
The training of the interior designer is more focused on the arrangement of interior spaces and circulation, their functionality and practicality. The interior designer is also competent in interior design, and decoration.
The wearing of the title of interior designer is not regulated, but there are professional unions which develop quality charters, such as UNAID or CFAI. In addition, some websites, provide a list of experienced interior designers. It is important you choose a company that specializes in Singapore interior design services for your renovation.
Finally, decorator training is freer: some come from diploma courses, others are truly self-taught, often from other professions (antique dealers, painters, upholsterers). With the decorator, we will seek above all the ability to imagine an atmosphere or a style, whether based on historical knowledge, travel, or his imagination.
Does your project concern a renovation or a new construction?
- This is the first question you need to ask yourself.If you have a new construction project, over 150 m2 of floor space, you have a legal obligation to use the services of an architect.
- This one, in particular will be signatory of your building permit, and engages its responsibility in the event of defect.
- Below 150 m2, the architect’s service in the event of construction remains strongly recommended for residential buildings. It will prevent you from unpleasant surprises.
- If you have a renovation project, you can normally either hire an architect, an interior designer or a renovation company.
- On the other hand, if you plan to modify the facade of your building, or to modify load-bearing walls, the validation of the project by an architect will still be required.
The Final Option
Finally, if you do not plan to modify the spaces of your building, but only to change the finishes, and for you the decor is an essential element, a decorator can undoubtedly accompany you by offering you a wide choice of materials, fabrics, finishes, furniture and decorative items.