How To Clean Windows: 7 Tips For Not Accumulating Dust
Windows are part of the house that is often forgotten or left for later when cleaning. However, knowing how to care for them is essential for efficient cleaning. Whether their biggest enemy is dust or grease, we don’t know. But we’ve prepared 7 amazing tips for you never have problems cleaning yours again! Prepared?
- Use The Right Products So You Don’t Fail At Cleaning
Windows must be cleaned with products that won’t damage the glass or the surroundings. Washing them with water won’t be a good option if she’s made of wood. If the wrapping is made of aluminum, the product cannot stain it. Give preference to alcohol, glass cleaner, or mixtures like water and white vinegar, which will leave the surface shiny.
- Dust Off Before Using Products
It is very important that before you start using the correct products, you know the correct cleaning order. Remove all dust before using alcohol or glass cleaner. Cleaning products, if placed directly on the glass, can create a film preventing dust.
- Opt For Soft Cloths And Flannels
Soft cloths or flannels are ideal for cleaning because they adhere to the dust, causing it to “stick” to the cloth. Never use a duster, as it spreads dirt around and does not clean anything.
- Glass Cleaner Is Only For Glass Not Exposed To Grease
Many people think that glass cleaner is for cleaning any glass, but that’s not true. For windows in very greasy environments, such as the kitchen, the product will not be efficient. Before applying the final product to window cleaning like window cleaning Taunton for example, you must clean it first with a degreaser, such as detergent.
- Wash Windows On Cloudy Days
Sunny days may seem perfect for cleaning windows, but the ideal thing is for them to be cleaned on cloudy days. Sunlight falling directly on the window causes the applied products to dry before you can polish the windows, which causes them to get those water stains nobody wants.
- Try To Polish The Windows With A Paper Towel
This tip is amazing if you want to make the glasses shine. Using the paper towel after applying the cleaner finishes the polish and shines the windows without leaving a trace of dust, making them look brand new.
- Leave Windows Open
The best way to keep dust from accumulating on windows (or any other area of the house) is to air it out. Leave them open every day for a few hours to keep dust out. This prevents the environment from suffering from excess moisture and, consequently, from mold.