What Pool Builders Look For When Surveying Area For Pools
If you are looking for a good location for your new pool, there are several factors you should consider. Some of these factors include location, elevation, and other aspects. These will all affect the design of your new pool. Keeping track of these factors will make the process of building your new pool easier.
If you want to install a swimming pool on your property, it is important to have a survey of the area. This will show the exact location of your property’s setback lines. This is important because a pool can’t be built over a setback line. Getting a survey of the area will ensure that your project is done properly.
You will need to obtain a plot plan and survey before you can start construction. This plan will help you determine where to place your pool and any other accessories. You will also need an on-site consultation to get an idea of the style and functions of your new swimming pool. After all, you want the design to be in keeping with your vision for your backyard, and an accurate plot plan will make this process easier.
Elevation is something pool builders look for during the surveying phase. They look for a stable, well-drained area that’s at least 6 feet above surrounding ground. This allows water to drain away from the pool. If the area is sloped, it can be graded to divert water away from the pool. Different soil types can present problems, including clay, which holds water and stays wet. Loamy soils, on the other hand, drain better.
Elevation is also a consideration for elevated pools. Elevated pools must start at an elevation above the Base Flood Elevation (BFE), or else they will not deflect storm surges or protect nearby buildings. The design professional will also need to assure the community officials that the pool will not divert waves, which could increase the risk of damage to nearby buildings.
Elevation is important for any building, including pool builders. Even minor changes in elevation can create slippery slopes. Fortunately, you can get an elevation certificate from your insurance carrier. The certificate typically takes five days, though some providers offer a faster turnaround time for an additional fee. If you need the certificate quickly, it may be best to book an appointment as soon as possible.
The elevation certificate is also essential if you want to get flood insurance. Without it, you’ll never know how much flood insurance you will need. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that you have a flood insurance survey before you make any final purchases.
Ready for a pool installation? This is one of the best pool builders in Austin.